Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Loathsome Dragon

Written and Illustrated by David Wiesner (2005)

This book is a fairy tale about a beautiful princess transformed into an angry dragon by her evil stepmother and the only way for her to be saved is for her handsome prince brother to come home from his voyage and kiss her three times. I was a huge fairy tale fan growing up, so it was nice to read one that I have not read before. The drawings in this book are also very realistic, which like I have said many times really draws me into a book. The illustrations do a great job of working hand in hand with the text to tell a fulfilling and entertaining story. This book has a lot of text, but I didn't really mind the book had a good flow to it and was an easy read.
I would used this book as a read aloud book and silent reading book, because of the large amounts of text in it. I felt as though the book had a rhythmic feel to it, which is a quality of good writing in children's books. This book is a fairy tale, so it would be a good book to use during a fairy tale unit. I would have the students write their own fairy tales involving dragons, stepmothers and princesses. This book would be great for talking as a class about the characteristics of fairy tales as well because it contains characteristics such as magic, a castle, antagonists and protagonists. This book could also be used in the middle grades for working on multiplication. Some quotes include, "three and thirty of his men took the oath with him" and "nine times nine she passed her arms before herself, and three times three she chanted her evil spell." This is just an all around good children's book.

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