Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Misfits

Written by James Howe (2001)

I really enjoyed this book, I found the story to be entertaining and heartwarming. It is about a group of friends that start a political party (the no name party) for their school student council that is based around the idea of not calling each other names and along they way you get to know each character. Along the way we learn one is gay and another focused on race and rebellion. Their are controversies of homosexuality, race and rebellion that are at the forefront of this book in my opinion need to be discussed and pondered. So, I personally have no issues with this book whatsoever, and really like that the author provides a view, even though stereotyped, of difference. People need to become accepting of the differences presented in this book and realize these issues are real. Joe's reluctance to come out to Addie reminded of my best friends moms stories. She is gay, but it took her until her son and I were like 14 to finally come completely out. Yes Joe's reluctance was with one person, but the idea is the same for both. I wasn't a kid getting picked on or picking on other kids in school, but I did sit back and watch others get picked on. Looking back I wish I would have been more willing to step in and this book shows that kids need to stop the name calling and really look out for one another.

I would use this book with older students because of the issues of homosexuality, race and rebellion. After setting the ground rules on how we discuss such topics, I believe older students should be able to handle such topics with respect and maturity. In the case of both homosexuality and race I would want to have a class discussion about acceptance. Then in small groups the students should come up with their own definitions of acceptance to share with the class. Also, I believe Addie's rebellious ways are something that I really do not have an issue with. Students should be able to stand up for what they believe in and respectfully defend their position. However, they need to understand that once their position has been stated, it is not the other parties turn to voice their reasoning and they need to understand the teacher has the final say.

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